New cryptocurrencies available for trading

Dollar cost averaging bitcoin
As the top crypto exchanges continue to add new cryptocurrencies to their platforms, ZenDCA will continue to support them. With ZenDCA, you can buy Bitcoin and over 250 altcoins on 4 major exchanges and withdraw safely to your hardware wallet. The latest cryptos recently added on exchanges that we support are listed below.

  1. Euler Finance (EUL)
  2. Project Galaxy (GAL)
  3. Samoyedcoin (SAMO)
Coinbase Pro
  1. SuperRare (RARE)
  2. League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)
  4. Stargate Finance (STG)
Binance US
  1. Syscoin (SYS)
  2. Radicle (RAD)

You can read more about the newly added cryptos by using the links above, and see their prices, tradable markets, market cap, etc.

When we get a notification from the exchanges that newly added cryptos are tradable, we aim to add them to our platform within a week.

Let us know what you think about the newly added cryptos in the comments below!